I take solace in the fact that the course of history was never changed by the many but by the few who risked exposing facts by written word reminds me always that the Pen Is Mightier than the Sword. When the self righteous is poked into undying rage the real personality explodes like dynamite and the self proclaimed veneer vanishes into thin air like the mist from dawn. Let the chips fall where they may.
“The idea that sex is something a woman gives a man, and she loses something when she does that, which again for me is nonsense. I want us to raise girls differently where boys and girls start to see sexuality as something that they own, rather than something that a boy takes from a girl.”
— Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

My Online Radio

Thursday, September 26, 2013
Rural Bus System to transport Students
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Teach your children to be industrious don't spoil them!
The Cycle of Violence
The Spirit of Kindness can change our Nation
Jamaicans wring the wrong opportunities dry
Building a better Tommorrow
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
The Ghost in the Black Man Genes!
Young men and their obsessions with Guns
The Rebel in Me
Distrust among people doing business in Jamaica
Monday, September 23, 2013
Showing your new man your vulnerable side
Knowing when to back out from a bad relationship option
Saturday, September 21, 2013
The Cult of the Jamaican Assassin
The cult of the Jamaican Assasin
So imagine that a man can take your life without cause or reason simply by being paid to do so. What does that say about our society? Are we short of jobs? Or are we just short of morality and High regard for the inestimable price of human life! How does it feel like go about our lives knowing that we are all walking around with a price tag on our foreheads.Desperate Women call for Desperate Measures
How to go from pennies to a million in a year living in Jamaica?
Friday, September 20, 2013
Is this the way corporate Telecommunication Giants Digicel treat their Customers?
Peace for the Future of Our Children

Thursday, September 19, 2013
Dancehall Music and Our Gun Culture
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Where is the Justice in our society?
So a crime becomes OK if it is seen from our perspective.
My grandmother always said that show me your friends and I will tell you who you are. Why are you surprised that a man who endorses gangsters and rove with alleged thugs would defend the humanity rights of a simple boy from no where, with no money, no gangster ties and no clout.
Whenever someone close to me dies, I am force to check myself. Some people death does not faze them. I go through periods of introspection where I question my own humanity and what role do I play in this grand scheme of things. I question the value of my life. I see my humanity within every other human being and that is what often makes the ending of a human life so troublesome to my weary mind. I value everyone, even some who we might deem do not deserve it.
Everybody cannot be right. We will face injustices but what we do about it decides how our children will handle it later and what kind of society we are shaping for our children. Imagine if our ancestors just sat back and watch the white supremacist keep us in slavery, we would still be a nation in slavery with bigger issues than we have now.
One day you here another day some punk slips you into unconscious oblivion. I look at these little boys walking around in my natal community whose mothers cannot afford to send them to school but they are still having children themselves. These boys who are stealing people's rabbits and puppies, selling them to unsuspecting buyers for money. Yet their mothers are busy wearing hairstyles, buying new clothes and "breeding" again for some "careless nigger". I mused that in all probability one of these little boys might take my life in the future. Not just a probability, at the rate of things... a damn near possibility.
What do you suppose we as Jamaicans lack most ? Comment answers. I think empathy. We have become a selfish people only thinking about ourselves and our own and whatever we can get at the price of whoever with disregards for whomever...We do not think that "what if this had happened to me?' would the taking of this my life be a fair price? Would death be a fair punishment? What is this was my family?
We do not think like that,we say its ok, or i do not care because it never happened to anybody for me etc.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Alternative Job Positions!
Think of a computer systems analyst as a tech project manager. He or she is often a liaison between the IT department and a client, and has influence over both the budgetary and technical considerations of a project.
2. Data Base Administrator
The more digitized our society becomes, the more important the role of database administrator becomes. By 2020, we'll need about 33,900 new ones to store, organize, manage, and troubleshoot all the content we store on computers.
3.Software Developers
These tech-smart professionals who design, construct, test, and maintain software should see abundant job growth up to the year 2020. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts 27.6 percent expansion, or 143,800 new positions.
4. Web Developer
Web developer" might seem like a generic term, but a lot of schooling and skill goes into making a website look good and operate well. According to the Labor Department, about 65,700 new Web developers will enter the working world by 2020.
5. IT Manager
Having a hard time distinguishing between the tech jobs on this list? This tech wizard is the go-to person when your email won't send or your Internet crashes. As the head of the IT department, this professional ensures the company's network is operating smoothly and that dangerous threats like hackers and malware are kept at bay.
6. Interpretor and Translator
Whether it's sign language, spoken language, or written language, interpreters and translators are utilizing an invaluable skill. If you are fluent in a second language, you could find yourself working in a lucrative, secure, and growing position. The Labor Department predicts more than 42 percent employment growth in this profession over the coming decade.
7. Computer Programmer
C++, Python, and other computer languages should be second-nature for an ambitious computer programmer. Some of the most proficient could earn up to $114,000 a year.
8. Epidemiologist are need in Jamaica to treat outbreaks so that we do not have to seek international specialist when we have disease outbreaks.
Epidemiologists study hard to prevent the next bubonic plague, SARS outbreak, and swine flu scare. The Labor Department anticipates growth for this field, as well as other medical scientists, of 35.8 percent up to 202
9. Market Research Analyst
Think of this profession as people-watching for a paycheck. Market research analysts watch people, listen, and study them to determine their habits and preferences. They then advise clients on how to package, brand, and sell products appropriately.
10. Diagnostic Medical Sonographer
To do this job well, you’ll have to master the technical, like using medical equipment and making sure the patient is properly placed to get a just-right image, as well as the social, like interacting with nervous patients awaiting information on a medical condition. Sonographers are expecting liberal openings for the next few years.
11. Computer Systems Administrator
Without the expertise of network and computer systems administrators, your office network would be hampered by a string of technological glitches. Aside from maintaining a healthy computer network, they also lend their tech knowledge to managing telecommunication networks. This profession is expected to add 96,600 new positions by 2020.
12.Medical Secretary
Medical secretaries become well-versed in insurance rules, billing practices, and hospital procedures. The reward for their diligence is job security, as the Labor Department projects 40 percent employment growth for this profession.
13. Civil Engineers
We need more of these in Jamaica to fix our roads. The concrete streets you walk, the asphalt highways your wheels caress, and the buildings you sit in were all planned by civil engineers. If you want to be the designer who keeps our society humming, this job is for you.
14. Radiologic Technologist
Technologists use X-ray, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment to assist physicians in diagnosing patients. As with other healthcare posts, this one will also expand—nearly 30 percent by 2020.
15. Cost Estimator
Before the first hammer is swung, a cost estimator must coordinate with engineers, architects, and construction managers to determine the technical, mechanical, and fiscal requirements of a project. These hyper-organized critical thinkers could see their workforce swell by 36 percent this decade.
16. Financial Advisors
We have a lot of therapists on our list: physical, occupational, marriage and speech, to name a few. Think of a financial advisor as a money therapist. He or she provides guidance on how to spend and save your money. Expect 66,400 new openings for this position before 2020.
17.Compliance Officer
Are you a stickler for rules? Consider working as a compliance officer. These professionals are employed in many industries to ensure ethics are practiced, laws are followed, and regulations are met. The BLS predicts 15 percent growth in this field by 2020.
18. Clinical Laboratory Assistance
healthcare facilities, clinical laboratory technicians work behind the scenes, preparing lab specimens and running tests. The best-paid in the profession earn around $56,000 a year.
19. Public Relation Specialist
There’s a lot of finesse involved in producing and distributing communication materials that uphold and promote a client’s image. The field’s elite also have a gift for gab and understand the art of the sell. Expect this occupation to grow by nearly 23 percent by 2020.
20. Paramedic
If you have an interest in working as a paramedic, consider working as a volunteer first. Those in the know say this approach will give you a taste for the job and make you more marketable should you choose to pursue this career.
21.Clinical Social Worker
A clinical medical social worker is concerned with helping people receive proper medical care and support. But the key ingredient to helping patients will be the ability to empathize with them. With more baby boomers needing care in the years ahead, the Labor Department predicts a 34 percent growth rate in this profession.
22. Meeting, Convention and Event PLanner
Openings are ample in this profession—nearly 45,000 by the decade’s close—but there are also a lot of applicants. For an inside edge, earn a bachelor’s degree in hospitality management. You should also receive the certified meeting planner credential if you’d really like to stand out.
23.Mental Health Counselor
One day, a stressed-out college student may be sitting in your office. The next, a depressed professional. Not only is the patient list broad, but so is the scope of the work, ranging from diagnosing disorders to coordinating care with other health professionals.
24. Logisticians
Logisticians solve theoretical problems for manufacturing or retail businesses, sometimes proving indispensable in large-scale disaster-relief efforts. Their input can be life-saving. Logistician employment is expected to expand 25.5 percent by 2020.
25. Paralegal
Paralegals are expected to grow at a faster clip than lawyers—something to think about if you’re interested in law but don’t wish to undergo all the schooling (and possible school loans) required to get a law degree.
26. Fabricator
Constructing commercial aircraft, household appliances, automobiles, and toys is a team sport, and the players are called fabricators. Consider this occupation if you’ve always been curious about how products are put together. Just keep in mind that some areas of this field will see greater hiring opportunity than others. Structural metal fabricators will experience 16 percent job growth from now to 2020.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Should you take back a ex who disrespected you badly during separation
I have dissed men in the past who when I see them a couple years later u wished I was more accommodating because of the status they hold now and not because I find them attractive or their personalities intriguing.
Others that I treated with indifference; have matured so much both in their personalities and socially that they force me to acknowledge that in life you should never entirely write people off because the same people you turn your nose at going up might pass you going down.
People realize their mistakes and people grow and change but relationships are investments and you have to weigh the pros and cons of dating someone who in your perspective is below your class. You simply have to look at personality traits and hope that he/she grows into someone you can build a life with.
I also know that when someone shows you who they really are and how much they invalidate you then you must believe them. If a person treated you like they do not value you as a person, the core intrinsics of your personality then believe them because they genuinely don't.
How someone treats a person whom they claim cannot do anything for them says a lot about that persons core beliefs and character. Humans will flock the mango tree because it is already grown and producing fruit and they will take a machete to the small tree since its young and may never produce.
Love is a treacherous emotion. Your heart will tug away at someone who you know from experience will hurt you again. There is a clear indication that humans believe that they should be with someone despite how they feel that person feel about them.
That is the reason why we have so many people murdering their partners because people keep getting together for the wrong reasons. Why would anyone want to be with someone who does not value your life? Who dates you for dependency or money?
You will always be angry at the ex who hurt you because getting back together does not give you closure. If anything you are giving someone another opportunity to hurt you. That person can safely conclude that you love them than you do yourself because anyone with any shred of self respect would not wanna go back to someone who treated them the way that ex did.
Emotions are never about rationality , you cannot help how you feel and many times getting back together gives you an opportunity ton see if this relationship could really work. Its a risk you sometimes have to take to experience whether or not, it was worth the heartache in the first place.
Apology is never enough. A man will say whatever he needs to says to get tail. In order to take back someone they must first demonstrate that
My Digicel Experience: Service Industry in Jamaica
I have not had consistent access to the internet for the last three days. I call Digicel so till mi get frustrated and furious over the idea that a major catastrophe did not occur and I am without internet for three days. its not like hurricane past through or we had a major outage. Something was wrong with the signal output as it kept fluctuating.
I have been experiencing this disconnection of service for three consecutive weeks but never for this long. I am so tempted to buy a landline modem from LIME and tell digicel go to hell.
In Jamaica service industry providers often treat treat rural people like we are idiots. I bet my last dollar than an issue like this would not be ignored in the corporate area. But Digicel has forgotten how expensive their internet per month is costing as much as the minimum wage that most Jamaican unskilled laborers get as salary per week. It would be cheaper to sign up for LIME internet service which post paid cost 50% of what I am paying now. I remained loyal to Digicel because of the mobility of their service.
Now Digicel pisses me off. First they give us some confusing rates to compete with Lime 2.99 that for the most part never gets activated on my blackberry. It would seem that I am still paying the ten dollar per minute rate. My friends abroad all tell me how much digicel has been pilfering Jamaicans for the longest time with the exorbitant fees.Digicel should know from history that us Jamaicans easy to get fed up and switch. Look at the mass exodus we made from Lime former name cable and Wireless when Digicel offered their bigger better network service.
Now imagine me holding on for half and hour then hang up and feeling more incensed than i did before. After that bling wait and listening ton the shrill voice of that singer during the holding period only to hear a bunch of regurgitated bullshit from their customer service Representative.
Half and hour later and my calks again seem futile, I can only wait in miserable silence while my blogtalkradio, my webinars for my clients and my web stores and services are inaccessible. What made me more peeved was that these agents were treating me as if I am an imbecile and didn't know what I was saying to them or what was happening with my internet.
I tried to tell them that the three signal like symbol at the front of their standard Ethernet modem was not lighting up.Most times only one light signal is blinking and the rest are non responsive. At other times I see one or two lighted and steady on the box. In rare times I might see three lights blinking and then its back to one being steady. I tried to explain to the agents that I had queried other users and they were experiencing issues including access to web care and self login to add credit to their account. This was not an isolated case and two of the agents had assured me they had been apprised of issues in that area for two consecutive weeks.
What should I do ? I have no choice but to wait in limbo until Digicel decides to find someone on the ground to check out my modem. I am very much going to insist that I get a rebate or refund for the days lost. I am just frustrated with this internet service provider.
You will reap what you sow in this life!

I went to my friend Checky's funeral and i remarked on how his friends appeared to be more saddened by his horrendous death than his immediate family. I realize that many people remain as phony in death as they are in life. They are not humbled by a stinging reminder of how fragile our existence is every time, we see someone die. They like many others always miss the lessons that are within every occurrences
in this life.
I noted something when i looked at the man i knew most of my life, inside my own sense of who he is, i know the man laying in this coffin was my friend but his face looked different to me. It would seem that his appearance drained of his vibrant personality made him look entirely different from whom i remember alive.
I began to think about how when by way of appearance, there are many people who their faces often express their personalities and many people who look like Jezebels are often just evil. People said my friend looked ugly in his coffin, it is because he had such colorful, jovial and vibrant character why no one never realized how ugly he really is. It might sound callous at a funeral but there is so much truth in those sentiments.

And his death has opened my eyes to other truths...
Some people think that they can force you to respect them but sincere reverence is never attained through buttress and duress. If you want respect you have to command it by the way you live your life and treat others only then will people value your existence so much that they will never want to hurt you. If people respect you out of fear, they will hide you and clandestinely engineer your demise. Respect is earned, honesty is appreciated, trust is gained and loyalty return, a life redeemed.
When people do something to you, disrespect you, insult, abuse or hurt you, it is a true representation of how they feel about you. Why are we offended by the truth? We want people to think about us the way we do and that will never happen. People have different modes of validation in their minds and people values others based on their own internal valuation system of hierarchy.
We cannot emphasize how important our families and friends are to us. We should exude the same level of empathy for others as we reserve for the people we are fond of in our immediate circle. Just as how you love your brother, you should understand that i love my brother too. Why would you want to kill a man and leave his children to suffer yet want the best for your offsprings in life?
My granny always say that time is longer than rope and a millions of us will come and leave this world as if we never existed. Time is a faithful teacher, it teaches, punishes, rewards, cajole and then it kills you. We cannot do more than our time so we all will have to sit and wait on father time.

There is no absolution for taking a man's life. There is no remission of a human life. Once you kill someone, you cannot shrive on that because you cannot give it back. Death is irreversible. Killing someone should not be the first thing that comes to your mind when you cannot justify killing.
Some people are better off dead yes. But who are we to judge others? I often tell people that i believe we should be allowed to die on our own terms. My friend would never have thought that he would become apart of the murder statistic for Jamaica. The Memories that i have for him that once meant nothing to me are now worth more than gold. I agnized how important it is for me to cherish my relationships with the people who have shaped my life. Life is not about being physically alive, it is about the experiences that we share with others and how we affect the people around us lives.
My friend was an advocate for health and fitness. He took money out of his own pocket to build a gym so that people could work out. He was no saint but he never lived a violent life. It for this reason why his death is such a tragedy. He has shown how little we regard human life as a people.
What do we have to do as a society is place more emphasis on the value of life. Death is no fair punishment because at the end of it all this life is meaningless and we all must die. Death should not be what we remit to someone for offending use because when you murder someone, you only hurt him momentarily, You shatter the hearts of the people who love and care for him. He is in a permanent state of unconciousness.
My grandmother always say that in life you reap what you sow. Wish good for others and good will follow you. Some us are suffering today because our families committed senseless atrocities that can never be remitted. We are doomed from salvation because of the inherited sins that our forefathers left upon our head. What people do to you is their karma and how you react will be yours. So do good and good will follow you.
Rest IN Peace
Lenvil Flemming
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Why Jamaican's diss the police but respect the Gun Man: Under the Mango Tree Philosophies

These trees have stories to tell...here is one more...
We were sitting underneath the mango tree discussing the recent upheavals within our community when a very intellectual member of our community made a stalwart remark. He said " Ghetto people nuh easy eenuh because danna dead, and people are afraid to talk yet if a did police murder danna, then we woulda have big demonstrations, vandalism of public property and riot" Yet when people within our own communities murder our neighbours we are afraid to publicly denounced what is happening with illegal firearm".
He posed his question to me...
It is something that had troubled me since I was a child and moreso recently and it is a question of why most Jamaicans will publicly crucify the police when innocent people are murdered but turn a blind eye when citizens kill civilians.
I remarked that it has a lot to do with accountability and the culture of hatred that has been recycled over generations for the police force. This abhorrence of the police force stems from slavery when the militia was often called upon to repress the slaves, suppress uprisings and revolts. We have a socio-anthropological detestation of the police force that is inherently cultural and socially programmed.
It is reinforced during the years of colonialism when we fought for our independence and many died by the hands of the police in civil unrest. Our garrison communities are often plagued by extra judicial killings and police brutality therefore children are socialised to respect the Gun man as a protector and justice executor and to loathe the police man as a corrupt, distrustful and abusive representation of the system of oppression.
The police enforces the ideologies and policies of the state which is often spearheaded by members of the ruling or upper class in society. Police officers are regarded as traitors, they have betrayed their community to work for the oppressive system.

There are many rumoured instances within society where "informers are killed because they gave information to the police. This has compounded the distrust that citizens often feel for the police who for many lower socio-economical individuals have failed to protect the majority of its people. Gun men often fire shots to ward off intruders from other areas signalling that the district is protected, offering the citizens a sense of security that the police officers have failed to engender over the years. Popular notion is that if you are friend with police officers, you are labelled an informer and informers within the Jamaican society are assured a swift demise.
Why are Bad Men reverred?
Every body wants to be a badman but no man wants to be a police officer. Bad man culture is revered and the bad man respected by members of the community mostly out of fear than anything else. It is only natural that we will develop a fixation and admiration for the man who deals in what we fear most..death. Not that we do not respect police men, we very much tremble in the presence of the "bad man"police officers that acts more like a rogue cop. The bad men fear the rogue cop because they know the rogue police man will if necessary break the law in his carrying out of justice.
He exudes a level of fearlessness akin to the that of the Bad man. It is this level of unaccountability that makes the bad man feared and the police man disregarded. Ordinary citizens do not fear the bad man police because they know that he serves the purpose of being as ruthless as the neighbourhood gun man. And the average civilians understands that the Gun Man only fears the "bad man' police.
When last has someone been convicted of murder in Jamaica? Most Bad Men roam free until they "rake up the wrong ants nest" and are killed by their own people or the police. All bad men have a bad end. The police is accountable to the states, the government, the judiciary and legislative institutions and most of all to the people that they swore to defend, serve and protect. The gun man has no loyalty to anyone. He fears no one and is not answerable to any governing body. He is loyal to his gun as his bread maker, security and emblem of power. A community knows this albeit not in so many words but this is the central reason why people within an area will know of a crime and are afraid to talk about it because unlike the police the Bad man rarely takes prisoners.
Cable TV has without a doubt contributed to the fascination that we have with men who perpetuate and flirt with death. We are enthralled by how someone could bring about what most of us cannot even envision ourselves thinking. Some people say that young men become assassins because of needs and wants. Killing someone is just a job to them. It gives them an increase level of confidence,control and leverage to know that people fear their ability to take a fellow man's life. The more savagery that they exhibit with their murderers, the higher the respect that they get up the bar.
What turns an innocent baby boy into Murder?
Some experts claim that Childhood Abuse, Mental Incapacity and a criminal culture are the central factors that turn little boys into murderers, rapist and psychopaths.
Many experts attest that most killers are mad in the sense of the word and gain thrill from seeing the life expend from another. Some murderers simply do what they are good at, and if killing gives them a sense of social importance in society. People might not like them but no one will ever disrespect them, people will fear them.
The cost does not outweigh the benefits of the being a contract killer because in a country like Jamaica, a contract killer will never get caught. He will most likely be murdered by members of his organised crime culture, or a young aspirant seeking to stamped his name in the crime culture.
"A big attraction of violence is that the criminal likes to feel that he is acting like God; the thrill of possessing God's power to kill someone is a big attraction"
We feel contempt, anger, and disgust for the maniacal madman who hysterically kills humans out of sadism, perversion, or just lunacy, and we feel equal contempt for the person who kills in anger or by accident. Yet, perversely, our society stands in awe of those who have the ability to kill while coolly in control of themselves.
" why we romanticize bad men and hit men: they are men who control death. No one is the equal of the man who knows death, uses it, and does not flinch. Look at Patton, James Bond, Bugsy Siegel, Vito Corleone…
I often wonder if Gun men do not think about the fragility of their own humanity when they are taking another life. I beg to envision that with each death there comes a certainty that his/hers individual demise is imminent. Everything goes up in Jamaica except the price of life.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Can these Politicians help my generation?
I will foremost thank our politicians for where they have taken Jamaica from and where it is now. We have made advancements in turning our country into a modern place to live and raise children. We have made advancement in transportation and telecommunication but we have a far way to go still.
A man was murdered before his common law wife and their baby. Who is going to take care of that child now? Who is going to prevent that child from developing a hatred for a community that knows about its killer but remained tight lipped out of fear. How can you teach our children not harbour feelings of resentment and distrust for their community, the police or our politicians when it seems that no one cares.
Do politicians know how many Jamaicans feel hopeless in a country where you can die any day and nothing comes of your death? Does the youth minister Lisa Hannah know that young people are wondering why she does not have someone on the ground trying to find out what the youths need and how she can help them. We are all too busy playing politics in this country. TOO MUCH RED TAPE, FEAR AND KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT OR THEY WILL KILL YOU IS WHAT WE ARE POISONING THE MINDS OF OUR CHILDREN WITH.
We do not understand that the same people in life that you deprive will be the same people to deprive you. These likkle ghetto youths that nobody cares about will be the same people that will crawl into your windows and steal and murder your family. When will we wake up to the vicious cycles that we are perpetrating?
Do you think that you are safe in your salubrious communities? A revolution is coming and there will be blood to pay. Hungry days are ahead. I keep preaching and asking our politicians to have dialogue with the people. Listen to the people,do not ignore the people. Try and help the people so that they will in turn help you make this nation a better place.
You think only people who are light skin or who have degrees have vision for this country.I decry the system that has kept my people shackled to lies, distortions and fear. My heart bleeds every time someone dies. Imagine today. i accompany my friend who has a masters degree to get a teaching job and she was turned down. She bemoans the system that tells her to get an education yet cannot provide employment for her.
It seems only people in parlour business and hit men making money in Jamaica. Gun deh yah than opportunities for advancement for the young men what do we expect them to do? . Have a gun and starve.
People say that i need to make up my mind.Sometimes I denounce the violence of our ghetto youths and other times i seemed to be empathising with them. My empathy stems from knowing how difficult it has been for them to try and make a living. People with qualifications are finding it difficult to get a job, so just imagine the man who does not have a certification to his name.
Dialogue is what i am asking our political leaders to have with our youths. We have some great ideas on our way forward. An elder woman scolded me for saying that i believe that many of our politicians need to retire and give our young people a chance. She chided me saying that "young people do not have the experience". I looked at her and shook my head. Apparently she was born with experience. She did not garner it over the years through trial and error like normal people do. I retorted "young people will gain experience when they are given an opportunity to try out their ideas and make mistakes like our old folks" ...