I take solace in the fact that the course of history was never changed by the many but by the few who risked exposing facts by written word reminds me always that the Pen Is Mightier than the Sword. When the self righteous is poked into undying rage the real personality explodes like dynamite and the self proclaimed veneer vanishes into thin air like the mist from dawn. Let the chips fall where they may.
“The idea that sex is something a woman gives a man, and she loses something when she does that, which again for me is nonsense. I want us to raise girls differently where boys and girls start to see sexuality as something that they own, rather than something that a boy takes from a girl.”
— Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

My Online Radio

Thursday, March 28, 2013
why women cant sleep around? Unfair world
Now a man will take a good girl
And he'll ruin her reputation
But when he wants to marry
Well, that's a different situation
He'll just walk off and leave her
To do the best she can
While he looks for an angel
To wear his wedding band
dolly parton song
so this is why men sleep around they are studs but when we do it we are sluts.
I have said this countless times that a guy cant use me unless i want him to. Everybody has the exact life that they want. Some people ask me why do i stay with my man even though i can get a wealthier or more handsome partner. The truth is, The naked truth is that my man has saved me from much of the heart toiling that is going on in the single realm. I am not saying that women should settle either but i hate to see what my single girlfriends are going through just to get a man to stick around. Women running up their bed post with names on top of useless nomenclature. Putting so much mileage on that kitty cat for nothing, Don't ruin your Bed Post space up with male numbers and pubic hair. It will come back and haunt you later.
SLEEPING AROUND IS RECKLESS BEHAVIOR AND IT EXPOSES ONE TO DISEASES.Moreover one might get pregnant and no one wants to own that child because of your promiscuous lifestyle. If you were a good girl to begin with then no man would question the paternity of your child.
We need to look for men who are thinking about a serious relationship and not just a one night interlude. And the truth is we women sometimes know this man is just taking any girl who is available for some sexual pleasure and disposing of her unceremoniously afterwards. The one's who in spite of telling him you are in a committed relationship, continues to call you and insist that you copulate with him. Having little or no regard for how this might affect your life if this indiscretion was discovered by your partner. He does not care about you, a man who is serious will insist that you leave your man before you sleep with him. He will be particularly discriminate when he is looking for a permanent relationship.
Back to my SINGLE women sleeping around these days...
Andrew Wildes puts it the best way here on his blog " What I have been trying to get at from the start (and will continue to) is that men thinking about a one woman setup, think very differently than men who can and will take one girl along with a whole bunch. The second man is less discriminating because he doesn't really care, the other guy can be sometimes unrealistically discriminating - that's because of how much he cares."
The first step in minimizing this pathology is knowing when to say no to a man sexual advances. Dont sleep with him because he drives a nice car or you are hoping to get some money from him. If you feel and we normal do know that he is only interested in adding another notch in his belt then you need to step it. Men who are not genuine often leave you feeling repugnant, furious or downright anxious and unsure of your next move with him. If you are feeling this way then you are in a losing situation. If he means you any good. He will chase you to Timbuktu!
Don't sleep with a man who you surmise or from all given indications is just not that into you. If he never calls or text or BBM it means he is busy elsewhere. HE hasn't contacted you because he doesn't have anything to say to you or frankly doesn't want to talk to you. You see whenever i go somewhere before the night is out or if i overstay longer that i am suppose to, my beau calls. He cares about me hence he wants to make sure that i am OK! When a guy calls a woman only on weekends or when he wants to go to a go-go club, it should signal to her what role she plays in his life. Do not waste your vagina stock on this guy.
Avoid men who are guilt trippers. They make you feel guilty for not giving up the goods or complying with their demands. Do not wear your heart on your sleeves. Don't sleep with a man because you feel sorry for him , he won't be that pitiful when he dump you. He sees you as desperate and men dont stick around wimpy women.
Who will sleeping around benefit? Men don't get censured by society for being promiscuous while women know its the cardinal rule not to let your numbers rise astronomically when it comes on to bed partners! Do not give sex to get commitment, instead ensure that he is willing to commit to you. You won't always know since some men are big time players, know the script back and front/ will get under your skin before you can say back off!
Therefore sleep with a man only if the experience is worth far more than the fall out in your future. Men do not want to marry women who have played the field as much as they do. Most promiscuous women claims that they are hot girls but in reality most men perceive them as easy lays!Hence why despite their prevalence on the social scene, they cannot get any serious man to commit to them. A Man will quickly besmirch a good girls reputation but he will want to marry a virgin.