I take solace in the fact that the course of history was never changed by the many but by the few who risked exposing facts by written word reminds me always that the Pen Is Mightier than the Sword. When the self righteous is poked into undying rage the real personality explodes like dynamite and the self proclaimed veneer vanishes into thin air like the mist from dawn. Let the chips fall where they may.
“The idea that sex is something a woman gives a man, and she loses something when she does that, which again for me is nonsense. I want us to raise girls differently where boys and girls start to see sexuality as something that they own, rather than something that a boy takes from a girl.”
— Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

My Online Radio

Monday, March 25, 2013
Are Men intimidated by Independent, Strong Women? Being the woman he cant afford to lose?
When i wrote why Jamaican Men do not LIKE Cerebral women, i was twenty years old and came home from the most unappealing date. The guy wanted me to sleep with him and i told him no...In my youthful ideological tone i told him that an intelligent girl like me would never sleep with a man less than a week after meeting him. I met Mr. Break My Heart the next morning in Montego Bay and fell in love and in a motel bed instantly.
After copulation, he did not care one bit how smart and intellectual i was because he had gotten what he want! i remembered him saying that most independent women are not really strong. They just put up a granite front to stare beta males who are easily daunted by their status away from them. Strong Independent men break women and independent women are constantly having power struggles with their man. Men who settle for so call independent women are more interested in status and public opinion than a truly wholesome relationship. I need a woman, if i wanted a man, i would be Gay!
Why is it difficult for most alpha females to get a man to stick around. One guy claims it is the narcissistic tendencies of independent Jamaican and their distasteful attitude. He claims most independent women lack sex appeal and a man is a visual creature hence he needs to find you attractive first and most independent women are not. A man cannot look at you and know that you are independent and strong. He will also know and does not care because he does not find you sexy or attractive. Men with Money dont care about one's independence, he can get attractive women, independent or co dependent a dime a dozen. You simply need to be the woman he cant afford to lose. You need to validate yourself and in turn he will see your value and be compelled to recognize and appreciate it.
Here what a gentle man on Facebook had to say "
Flexx Marc wrote : A lady send me this. The Naked Truth: Men will be dogs...dating will suck and relationships will be CRAPPY...until women GET some STANDARDS. Stop sharing penis...and sleeping around with MEN not knowing their relationship status....stop SETTLING for sex when you want LOVE......Your VAGINA, your POWER..... if Vagina was stock, it would be WORTHLESS...because so many women GIVE IT AWAY."
i responded to his comment:I have written about this countless times, i dont think men are afraid of independent women yet the very thing that attracts the man to the independent woman is the same thing that ultimately pushes him away. The thing is most independent educated women think relationships are power struggles, they are not. STOP COMPETING WITH THE MAN! It doesn't matter what you have he will see you as a woman first and everything else after. Your accomplishments simply should complement your feminine body and demeanor! Be FUN and spontaneous! stop being so uppity and its all about me! He already knows your smart.. Use your wittiness, he can appreciate your intellect and laugh at your humour. And once a man can laugh when he is with you, he will never leave you, He loves that good feeling around you...AND GOOD SEX OF COURSE.
While we are wagering for men to stop treating us like orifices for their phalli, we have forgotten that men expressed themselves through intercourse. What does the vacuous, uneducated girl that dresses like a strumpet have over us. She gives a good ride! Men will never give up good sex!
I see some women talking about men not being able to match with their independence, headstrong values and views! My dears men do not care. They will sooner move on to the next pretty girl that won't give him as much trouble. I am promoting that one should lower their standards. I am advocating femininity! In this game to prove to men that we are more than a vagina, we have lost our woman hood in the process. Lets take it back a notch ehh!