Lately i have heard this popular saying if Vagina was Stock then it would be worthless.
This might sound harsh but today's young women are just cheap. Some pundits contend that the economical climate is what is contributing to women given up the hairy fruit for little and nothing.
What can women to to get men to value their sexual asset,..They can withhold sex until their desires are met but that is an even more difficult thing to do when men can get it elsewhere for free or steal price.
Read article here
Cheaper sex comes at the price of shorter relationship. Some say the price of the hairy fruit have never been this low before but is it really?
Crystal Diamond lol.. well as i said before on numerous expositions that women did not know what they bargained for when we insisted that men allow us the same social freedoms they were bequeathed by society. Now we are paying for it now since men are basically disregarding commitment altogether since sop much pum pum deh a road fe free....Additionally it is very difficult for one to put a high price on something that everybody else sometimes/often times better looking that you is giving it away for free or at steal price...
Micheal responded allow us, some men seem to remember the debate and discussion differently Crystal Diamond
Crystal :Yes allow us, we wanted to be able to play field a little! Not having to marry the first man we slept with or being stoned in the middle of town for allegedly keeping two man. We wanted to wear the pants too, We asked society to release us from the social strictures cultivated for centuries and encouraged by a male dominant culture to put restrains on women sexual and relational options
the article does state a crucial point at the end that if these gyals would stop giving up the nookie for nothing then us women with a little value could start getting some tat on our you know what...but from the begining there will always be women who will accomodate male whim for the sake of personal gain.
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