There was a confrontation recently between my child's father and some relatives he has. The next morning, my 20 month old daughter sees one of her kin that her dad had the altercation with passing by and proceeded to say hi with such enthusiasm in her own childish gibbers. The cousin looked at my child and looked ahead of her with a smirk on her face.
I was enraged at them for teaching my young innocent child hatred. My contempt worsen when i realized that these are the people that are responsible for most of the problems we have in this world.

Next scenario, i Saw my daughter playing with an estranged family members child, the older child barked at the younger one to stop playing with my baby . I quickly extrapolated that this eight year old was acting on the advice and commentary that she heard at her parent's house, Because of what precipitated between her father and them, they were teaching my child to hate from an early age. They are teaching my baby about discrimination and prejudice. She's automatically their enemy , my baby who is not even two year old. She turns around and cries, running back to me because she does not understand why these children treat her with hostility or mocked indifference.
I like to read
Belmoun Ibolele Ayibobo FACEbOOK Page because it is a good source of knowledge of my black culture.
There was a post there that i loved "A child comes into this world without hatred and envy, thus we should be careful not to pass our own disgusting anti-humanity views to them. Instead we should educate them to differentiate between reality and fallacy, not mindless indoctrination"
To teach a child the right knowledge is to build family and community.
I understand that my Job is to make my baby become the best woman she can be but i also understand that this world is far from ideal. I will have to educate my child and how to deal with people like these, family or not...
Education is essential to how we deal with others. I will have to encourage my child to seek knowledge and comforts in her book because i already know that if she is anything like me then her intellect will be both a curse and a blessing. She will see the world in all its infinities for what it is, the planes of life, the superficial nexus,
"As a parent you have a duty to stir your child(ren) toward the right path, regardless of your past experience. At all cost, please avoid passing toxic mental deficiency belief to your child(ren). Encourage them to love nature and understand their nature as well".

I do not need to be a perfect mother, I just simply need to be there for my daughter. I am concerned at times about my immortality. How long will i live to impress upon my child all that i have learnt in my 25 years alive. I ask god to let me live everyday to see my child past the worst...