What do you think about this topic?
I got from a discussion on Facebook.
Women will eternally be pissed at black men for marrying other races when they get rich but this morning i thought who can blame them?
The guy is a star now. what do you think he is going to want to do with your loud, aggressive, confrontational and bellicose ass at his promotional meetings trying to fight off the groupies who are chasing him. He is going to stay with a woman who understands how to behave in public and frankly most black girls do not know how to behave.
Someone might say these young men are saying this only because they cannot afford the browning or white girl now....
And does this imply that darker skin women are cheap?
Sophia Francis-Pryce;
Sophia Francis-Pryce "Dark skin one going to use them money to buy Bleaching cream....DWL. But on a serious note I find this a bit distasteful to say the least to know that it is deemed that a man will only settle for me a (a dark skinned girl) because i am "safe". Please!!"

23 hours ago · Unlike · 4
Laci Mac Brite dem brite!!! "Why people love generalize suh much?? I think, (Generally Speaking) dark skinned girls are many times too often made to feel that something is "WRONG" with them or they are "NOT" as beautiful as Lighter skin girls because its those very same men with comments like these!! JUST KNOW DIS!! DIS YAH BLACK GAL YAH WILL BUN U POCKET TOO, and NUH GET MI STARTED pan how much man competition me will gi yuh"!!!!
23 hours ago · Unlike · 3
Crystal Diamond "
haha! Yes i think men are responsible for making most browings feel like they are superior hence why women bleach! Well every dark skin girl suppose to know by now that some black men only wants us when nothing nah gwaan fi dem and as soon as dem get rich..dem draw fe de whitey or the brownin..."
23 hours ago · Edited · Like · 2
Jodi-Ann Brown Its very sad to know that this is reality and it also happens on the basis of where one lives. Because if you live uptown or downtown a man will treat you accordingly which is very shitty cause where one lives or the colour of their skin shouldn't determine these things.
23 hours ago · Unlike · 1
Jodi-Ann Brown crystal this is true don't we all see it all the time....smh
23 hours ago · Unlike · 1
Crystal Diamond i always tell women that from a man meet yuh and ask couple question him already know how him agao deal wid yuh. You are either a 10 or a five or better yet zero.. and he treats you accordingly hence the term one gyals mean man is another gyals AtM...
23 hours ago · Like · 1
Kezia Donaldson those men are very shallow
23 hours ago · Like
Jodi-Ann Brown Shallow yes but its affecting some women look at those who bleach remember the 'WAT A GWAAN EPISODE ON BLEACHING?"
23 hours ago · Like
Crystal Diamond Well yes they are butif you tel them that they might just label you as another bitter black woman who vex cuz she was born wid the wrong phenotype, MEN FIND ALL KINDS OF WAYS TO JUSTIFY WHY THE WORLD IS THEIR PLAYGROUND..
22 hours ago · Edited · Like
Laci Mac Crystal U right!!!
From a man see weh u deh pan, him treat u same way(black or brown).. Seen it happen all too many times, Once a man see seh u nuh ediot and u nuh frighten, him tek weh himself, and on to the next lagga head weh will fall fi him tricks!! BUT Silly rabbit, TRICKS are for kids!!!! (had to put that last bit)..
22 hours ago · Edited · Like