This article express my opinion on a topic that I sought to lend my perspective to after a young man was hacked to death in Jamaica for dressing like a woman and dancing with a man. It was revealed that the she was in fact a he. He was murdered by a machete wielding mob.
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Gays in Jamaica have never particularly had it easy. I mean in a country where people value Christan principles and where cultural cohesion is a big issue, the individual who dissent often has difficulty living in Jamaica, land of wood and water.
Most Jamaicans believe that homosexuality defies the laws of nature in that god made man and woman. Many will attest that if men started pairing off with each other and children were taught that this type of behaviour is acceptable then the human race would be extinct. Most Jamaicans hate what they cannot conquer and fear what they cannot understand. In many cases an average Jamaican with his semi-literacy and exposed to vacuous notions by parents who often do not know any better will be quick to follow the crowd and condemn a gay man than help him up.
I was following the story about Dwayne Jones who was hacked to death by a mob in Montego bay Jamaica by an angry mob and my only concern was that a human being did not deserve to die like that especially a teenager. Dwayne is famous now, i see his face on most Gay rights websites…He didn’t have to die to accomplish this…
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This is not the first instance where a cross dresser was hurt by a mob. There are several cases including one where a luscious female who was rather generous with oral sex was discovered to be a male and almost trampled to death by an unsuspecting gang of men.The police will not aid as some police officers are as homophobic as civilians. The law states that homosexuality is a crime. But isn’t murder a crime too?
But then there are flip sides to this story where straight men are lured to houses by men posing as women only to be sodomised by a group of gay men. One individual died from being raped by a gang of gay men after he was lured to a home by a cross dresser.
What do we have here?
Men who far the most part think that they are in the wrong bodies and claim it does not feel right dressing like a man but prefer to go about looking like a female. Next most gay men seem to be in competition with Jamaican women and this is what leads to them associating with heterosexual men fully knowledgeable of the dire consequences if the deception was discovered. Violence is never encouraged and death should not be the punishment for what one has little control over.
Some might argue that Gays are becoming far too brazen but yet we live in a society where people know gun men and thieves and they can walk freely on the street, unobstructed by police or citizens. Yet we will quickly gather machetes to murder hapless teenage boys who dress like women, This is barbarism.People will sooner kill gays than stand up to bad men.
Yes he was wrong to deceive the man that was entertaining him, knowing full well that this was a straight man. But he did not deserve to die for wanting to be a girl and seeking out the affection of a man. If you put up with injustice today, be he reminded that no one will stand up for your justification when the day comes.
What others do to you is their karma, your reaction is yours…
Not all Jamaicans are violent homophobes, most women are very tolerant of Gays and many men simply turn a blind eye. Some males will say that as long as a gay man does not force his presence on me, i am good. To each his own…Many straight men are often amused by the antics of gay men, especially their effeminate nature.
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I take solace in the fact that the course of history was never changed by the many but by the few who risked exposing facts by written word reminds me always that the Pen Is Mightier than the Sword. When the self righteous is poked into undying rage the real personality explodes like dynamite and the self proclaimed veneer vanishes into thin air like the mist from dawn. Let the chips fall where they may.
“The idea that sex is something a woman gives a man, and she loses something when she does that, which again for me is nonsense. I want us to raise girls differently where boys and girls start to see sexuality as something that they own, rather than something that a boy takes from a girl.”
— Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

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