Jamaicans are not necessarily enterprising. We are not the most inventive people when it comes to business or developing innovative business ideas that will generate income. The truth is that a Jamaican will sooner discourage you from entrepreneurship and investing in a worthwhile venture than assist you in bringing your dreams to fruition.
It is a given fact that most lotto Scammers will be poor before this year end because they have not used their "free money" to invest in income generating ventures. They are a product of the culture that does not understand that money will disappear if you keep spending and not earning. The same concept applies to the relationships that these american women have with Jamaican Man.

Recently an American woman with six children flew into Jamaica to spend a couple hundred thousand dollars to take her 19 year old boyfriend and his friends on a cruise in Panama. As long as she is in a relationship with this man , he will expect this five star treatment and nothing less. If you for some reason fail to make due on the image that you portrayed initially then there will be trouble in paradise.

I know some women do not care because it means nothing to spend a million dollars on a man if it saves me some lonely nights. And you might say that i do not understand. You are wrong. I have met many men who are only interested in free pussy and money. I often tell them i have neither to waste.

You can often spot these users early on and to prove their sincerity, simply withdraw spending your money with him and see how he drops you like a bad habit. If he is still interested three months down the line, then he is either one of the really smart one or he loves you. whichever way, he is definitely worth every dime.