Gay Rights activist and Attorney at Law Maurice Tomlinson made a submission to the constitutional court against Jamaica's leading Television stations for allegedly refusing to air an ad advocating sufferance for Homosexuality. They are contending that it is within their constitutional rights as human being and Jamaican citizens to disseminate information that will challenge our society beginning with our children to mitigate intolerance of Homosexuality.
The attorney contends that the Jamaican Television stations have violated the Broadcasting licencing Act and that the advert does not violate any laws hence it is unjustified and discriminatory that the Stations refused to air the Ads.
What do you think?
Some people assert that it is within the television stations right to air what they please and that they are simply thinking about the backlash that they might get from the wider society if they should appear in anyway to endorse homosexuality. It would definitely appear as if they support homosexuality. Others campaigned that the Gay rights group are championing a cause that is considered illegal by the same constitution and in thus homosexuals are essentially breaking the law in Jamaica.
Lesbians and Homosexuals have spent the last few years clamouring for the changes in the buggery laws of Jamaica and for promoting tolerance and acceptance in a highly homophobic society. The pervasive homophobia expressed by many (older) Jamaicans is as a result of entrenched Christian principles, illiteracy and Ignorance.
Religious sectarians stated that they believe the Gay minority grou should not be forcing their lifetysle on Jamaicans while it is still a sensitive issue among the majority. They supplied that they do not support the murdering or maiming of Gays but believe an ad promoting this lifestyle was too early, too soon.
Parents complained that they have a right to protect their children from being exposed to unhealthy lifestyles and they have sufficient dealing with regarding the indecent dance hall videos to get homosexuality thrown on their table. They understand the importance of tolerance but it would erode some of the core principles of their Jamaican society and culture.
The gay rights community are insisting that their fundamental rights were violated and at such are seeking damages for the infraction. Many Anti-Gay Lobbyist proclaim that homosexuality is an offence under the Persons act that forbade two men frome engaging in sexual activities under section 76, this crime is punishable by imprisonment up to 10 years. Section 77 through 79 purports that copulation between two men is a crime and perpetrators can be sentenced to maximum seven years and gross indecency between two men in public is an offence that penal incarceration for up to two years.
The Gay Lobbyist claim that due to the social denigration, crimes and abuse of Gays precludes them from seeking treatment for sexually transmitted disease. Some sentimentalist clamor that it is unfair for a human being to live his life in misery and shrouded in secrecy because a society that claims to be sensitive to individual rights and dignities are unrelenting in their stance against homosexuality. One writer contends that criminals and murderers are revered more and treated better than Gays.
Most women are somewhat indifferent to homosexuality. It is mainly the men and the patriarchal, male dominant values typical of black communities that makes the transcension to tolerance of homosexuals difficult. Many men insist that gays threaten the sense of sexual security and are an embarrassment to the masculine sex. Some pro-life activist insist that a widespread acceptance of homosexuality would see the cessation of life and the extinction of the human specie.
Gay rights Group insist that thy only seek to engage the public "
a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from one's own; freedom from bigotry. 2. a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward opinions and practices that differ from one's own. 3. interest in and concern for ideas, opinions, practices, etc., foreign to one's own; a liberal, undogmatic viewpoint." as defined by the dictionary.