I take solace in the fact that the course of history was never changed by the many but by the few who risked exposing facts by written word reminds me always that the Pen Is Mightier than the Sword. When the self righteous is poked into undying rage the real personality explodes like dynamite and the self proclaimed veneer vanishes into thin air like the mist from dawn. Let the chips fall where they may.
“The idea that sex is something a woman gives a man, and she loses something when she does that, which again for me is nonsense. I want us to raise girls differently where boys and girls start to see sexuality as something that they own, rather than something that a boy takes from a girl.”
— Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

My Online Radio

Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Illiterate, peadophilic Jamaican Men
I have this theory that men who like women that are very skinny or emaciated are often attracted to children. Many Jamaican men are ephebophilic where they are interest in mid-to late adolescent women (ages 15-19), Then there is the other group that are attracted to early pubescent women ranging from 12-14 years, these men are categorically called hebephilic.
I was at a grave digging when I heard a grown man ranting expletives at my precocious niece in law. He said in the most brutish tone for her not to look at him, and later on responded that he would poke her into her eyes. I was tempted to confront hi about it but I did not because her father was standing next to me and he did not say anything. I could not fathom what stimulation the eleven year old projected that stoke the ire of this man. It was completely beyond me. I mused that he perhaps was admiring her body and responded in anger when she caught him ogling her. ASHAMED OF HIMSELF FOR staring at a prepubescent girl albeit her body is very womanly, he directed the anger he reserved for himself onto her.
Men like younger women,They like the idea of fresh meat! Untouched, unblemished, uncharted grounds. They are also interested in exploiting the naivete and ignorance of a child’s mind to their advantage.It bothers me that grown men, gray back men will seek copulation with prepubescent girls and chronophilic females.
If 2 out of every ten teenager is getting pregnant in Jamaica it should signal that our carnal abusers are getting out of hand. Some people are saying that the scamming and prevalence of free money has messed up the little girls head and forcing them into liaison so that they can accrue funds to take care of their families.
Young women are also taught vicariously to seek financial freedom instead of upholding morality and virtue. This provides as social setting for men to use money and venality to get young girls to engage in coitus with them.
Most carnal abuse cases are not reported because scenarios have occurred where young women are murdered by the perpetrators in order to elude going to Jail. Some Men deny association and married men will do anything to cover their liaison with teenage girls. Girls sometime hide their sexual engagement for fear of parental anger and disappointment. Most women from low socio-economic communities are more prone to carnal abuse and rape by older men and boys.
What can we do to stymie the pervasiveness of these hebephilic Men?
Carnal abuse should be enforceable on Teenage women who get pregnant, their partners and baby fathers should be made to stand accountability for impregnating young women.
We need a lifestyle transformation education programme where young women are educe to have self respect and self worth. Young women should be encourage to seek profound enlightment and not to be bewitched by the flashy cars and monetary gifts by older exploitative men.
Our parents should spend more time educating our young women and guiding them through the hormonal turbulence of emotions that comes with puberty. We must also change our painting of sex as dirty and illicit because that has only pushed our children to be more intrigue by it. Parents should explain the responsibilities that comes with sexual intercourse in participative conferences with young girls, exchanging views, diffusing myths and endorsing celibacy until adulthood and marriage. A lot of pundits fail to realise that most young women often consent to intercourse with these older men due to coercion and or ignorance. Girls must be encourage to resist sexual intercourse and taught how to find viable recourse if they find themselves in a compromising situation. The best remedial is often to avoid these situations at all cost by refusing from first encounter to deal with these men.