I take solace in the fact that the course of history was never changed by the many but by the few who risked exposing facts by written word reminds me always that the Pen Is Mightier than the Sword. When the self righteous is poked into undying rage the real personality explodes like dynamite and the self proclaimed veneer vanishes into thin air like the mist from dawn. Let the chips fall where they may.
“The idea that sex is something a woman gives a man, and she loses something when she does that, which again for me is nonsense. I want us to raise girls differently where boys and girls start to see sexuality as something that they own, rather than something that a boy takes from a girl.”
— Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

My Online Radio

Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Why is Jamaica the beggar Isle of the indies
Jamaica may not sit on an abundance of resources such as gold, ivory, or oil but it is a country that has people of talent and young people with great minds looking for an opportunity to make their mark on the world.
What is the problem with a Jamaica? The US dollar slides to a hundred dollars jamaican to one united states dollars on friday. People are concerned about the way the dollar has been sliding and are of the opinion that the politicians cannot control the currecny rate and are pushing the country further in debt.
Who is responsible for what is happening to our country, we blame politicians because it is so easy yet none of us ever stop to look and see what we have done to keep Jamaica’s economic growth in stagantion. Everywhere ou go in Jamaica, you hear the sentiments that politicians are not doing nothing for us. They are not providing jobs. They are not opening the way for young people.
We are still a people shackled by slavery. We teach our children to follow the path of beggars,begging for jobs than to become leaders and innovators so that our country can rise from the decrepit it is in. We are responsible for this paucity that we are in because we have supported a system for far too long that has become expired and obsolete.
The mindset that most Jamaicans have is responsible for the economical drought that they are facing as a people. The people who blame politicians yet fight, quarrel and murder each other to put the same politicians back in power every four years. We have not grasp the true meaning of the choices that we have made, conclusively our elders who are often too illiterate, narrow sighted and uninformed to the concepts of living in modernity. Truth is my generation will arrange that our parents and fore parents are responsible for keeping Jamaica in the 50’s. They are the ones who have also i imbibe our children with the nonsense of subscribing to system that has not worked to lift them out of poverty then and will not help us even more so now that our country is worst off. Our adults have destroyed our country and leaving it in shambles. Our politicians need to retire and let some fresh new bloods take the reins.
I once read a piece from the Belmoun Ibolele Ayibobo community on the backwardness of Africa and i believe the viewpoints presented on the page is reflective of our Jamaican society with our deep pan African ethos and platitudes. ” But by and large, too many black Africans are too willing to wallow in the blame game, to point accusing fingers at everyone but themselves. They are people who seem totally unaware that as grown human beings they (and other Africans like them) are to a large extent responsible for the choices they make, and how such choices impact their lives. They are utterly unwilling to accept facts that may contradict their world view, which is the dangerous and false idea that we are backward because other people are making us so; that these other people “will never give us a break and allow us to develop our societies so that we too can live in better material conditions…”
This indeed true of Jamaica, we are a country of whiners, beggars and bad mind. We blame slavery, we blame white supremacy, we blame politicians, we blame the people that live uptown, we point fingers at everybody but ourselves. When we socialise our children to ingrate themselves on wealthier folks instead of inculcating our young ones to strive for excellence in their brief existence. We encourage modern slavery by stunting our children who have innovative minds and entrepreneurial spirits and instead we insist that they go and beg for a job that will keep them shackled to this financial status for the rest of their lives. We have impelled our intellectual class to migrate than to be here to keep a bridle on the upper class and the corrupted politicians by raising questions and pointing inadequacies, enlightening the poor masses and guiding the wealthy in creating avenues to minimise indigence among the needy populace. I have heard many Jamaicans abroad telling me how well someone like me would do abroad. I think if we all leave then what will happen to Jamaica. I will stay and fight.
Our Jamaicans living abroad would sooner spend thousands of dollars to take every last immediate family into American than ever invest in this country. Many vowed that they will never come back here due to the crime situation and the parasitic nature of most Jamaicans. But i beg them to answer that since Jamaica is such a terrible place, why do so many other nationalities come here and are successful doing business here. Everybody makes money in Jamaican except Jamaican. What do you think is wrong with that Picture?
“but never ever do anything that may in the long run put an end to that exploitation, even after years and years of the same complaint. Africans never lay out any strategies to defend themselves against the said exploitation; never devise ways to protect themselves against the exploitation they complain about. Even when they sit in so called meetings to do something, such gatherings tend to be chaotic shout fests that produce contradicting positions on any number of issues. And when the meetings are over and everyone has gone back to their home, they forget all about the resolutions and simply let the paperwork gather dust on shelves. The easiest course of action is to whine and whine and do little else
“The whiners may even be well-read and informed, and may very well be aware that Africa is not the only place that ever was colonised or exploited and enslaved by the bazungu, but that such societies – China and India quickly spring to mind – are well on the way to economic and military superpower status while Africa is as backward if not, in certain cases, even more backward than when the colonialists left over half a century ago. The whiners seem devoid of any self-awareness, and, yes, even the educated ones seem unconcerned about how child-like they sound when they go on and on about how everyone is “picking on us,” “exploiting us,” “not giving us a break,” and so on it goes. The whiners seem unaware that with all their complaining and lack of sustained activity to change things, they only serve to perpetrate the stereotype that Africans are helpless dupes everyone will take advantage of, safe in the knowledge that the worst the African will do is complain and grumble. “
What do most young people want to do today? They want to become scammers or go to fahrin. Someone once told me that he is amazed at how Jamaicans will take humiliating jobs in the United States and Canada yet refuse to do those work in Jamaica. Many people will work on a farm in Canada but never in Jamaica because they money is not right. No one begs to think that a concerted effort would yield higher grade crops, lead to greater profits and higher incomes. Everybody wants everything ready and done…
We need to get up off our asses and work to overthrow the corruption and exploitation that our ancestors have yielded to for years. Truth is most of us are scared to open our mouths because we know that if we challenge
the powers that may be then we might forfeit our lives. It is easier to keep quiet. Everyone life has a price these days and hunger will cause most Young men to cast morality and their sense of humanity away.What can we do?
Fight like our forefathers before our grandfathers did.Committed to the abolition of slavery even if it means that we will die, it certainly ensured that our children would be better off. Imagine if our ancestors had accepted our slave status then we would still be in slavery today…Think on these things…