You know most younger men i meet are always looking for some money to borrow from me. I was like a what them take me fah and then i go out and see them all hugged up tight with some Ishawna look alike. Am like Nigga your priorities are sooo mixed up.
You see black men's biggest problem is that they don't know the game plan. You get an education or perfect your hustle, get money, cars and house and every woman, good ugly and the indifferent will fall in place. They will trip over themselves to be your number one draft pick.
Instead black men are always hunting pussy and that is why they keep getting babies they cannot take care and hating on men who made it because when they were suppose to be working, they thinking about fucking...

You see when i was in lower six, i learnt a valuable lesson after realizing i kept passing dudes who were the hottest boys in my school when say i was in first form through to fourth form on the road hanging out, all decked out in Jersey Suits with Ganja Scliffs in their mouth. And guess where the nerds are today, hotttest dudes in BMWs, sexy as ever and advancing their careers living the good life, screwing all the hot girls who never want them in high school and then marrying some uptown, high brown or exotic girl.

These successful nerds know half the women coming to see them would never talk to them if it was not for their occupational status and money. They learnt the hard way in high school. Cute Boys thought they would be on top of the world forever until reality hit them and they learn that only adolescent girls with impressionable minds thought good looks was the only criteria a male needed to become a boyfriend.

what is the 2nd photo from?