Saturday, October 4, 2014

Textationship and The FairyTale Complex

Have you ever been texting someone and you just feel as if you are somehow out of touch. The conversation is strain. If you want to find out if your textationship is real then stop texting. Do not text, message or IM and note how quickly your textationship falls apart.

People say texting does not reveal much about dating and relationship until you associate in a physical setting. They lied. The contents of a man's messages tells you whether or not he is truly interested or just scoring brownie points for Mr. Nice Guy Trophy. If you want to know if a man is truly interested in you, then say something that points your non relationship on a serious path or question his vested interest in you and see how fast he puts his feet in his hands and run. He is not running very far, He has not even moved for that dude's emotions was the same place it was all along. The only thing running was your feelings for him and the wistful romantic notions, you built up in your head. Guys who are really interested want to move from the text realm to the physical setting as soon as possible. If he has not proposed to move your interactions offline then he won't ever. Well when he gets bored maybe...

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