Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Women helping other women by listening

There is nothing more powerful than women guiding other women to access their power, purpose and joy.
Becoming accountable for my life choices, setting standards and ideals, getting much needed feedback from a standpoint of neutrality, surrounding myself with people who are not comfortable with seeing me self sabotage or playing small is my overall aspiration for this year and beyond.
I want to live the best version of my life, not disconnected from my purpose or shoehorned into the narrow ideals of waste people narrative.
I am a listener for my friends, I am the one they come to with their messy lives, I point them to the light for they know I’ve had some pretty dark days myself.
I tell them that in the end, you come out stronger, ride the waves, you can fight it and suffer through it or you can accept your situation and grow through it. If talking to me helps you cope, I am an ear away.
I’ve lost people who were nothing short of a disappointment, truth is they weren’t meant to go into this new phase with me.
Now I have friends that offer me a clear mirror, people who hold space for me to process my feelings, people who complement not disconnect me from my intuitive wisdom. People who have helped me to find me, in recent times I was a shadow of myself. They reined me in, helped me return to myself.

I found clarity.
I am the key to my own bliss.

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