Sunday, December 29, 2013

Scamming: The Thief that does not Hide

Scammers only respect other scammers. More so scammers dislike theives are quick to call other people theif when dem a the biggest thief. I don't know how they can glorify or even sanitize a criminal activity.

How can someone brag about money that they gleaned from criminal activities. Scammers think their wealth is legitimate  but it is not. I refuse to allow any scammer to make hard working people feel as if they are inferior because they make less money than them or do not have the luxury of wasting money like them.

More so I don't believe that people who disrespect and condemn hard working people and consort with gun men and thieves are worthy of my respect and my regards. I have come to realize that money in the hands of fools are bound to create problems. 

We have a bag of criminal narcissist walking around with their chest distended in the air thinking that money obtained from the proceeds of crime is recognizable wealth. The prevalence and acceptance of scamming in Jamaica is a tell tale sign of a depraved state with people centrally focused on getting out of poverty by whatever means possible. 

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