Monday, October 7, 2013

Be a rebel with a purpose in Jamaica

What are you really fighting for? I am a rebel. I rebel against abuse, disenfranchisement, corruption and crime. I will gladly revolt against any group, person or system that oppresses my people. I know what war I am fighting and I am content to die knowing I never gave my life in vain. 

Some of us will have to fight for the redemption of Jamaica. We will not be all able to run away or sweep the mess under the rug. We will struggle facing possible elimination to ensure that the ills of this society or not repeated in the near future. 

Just imagine if our forefathers were to remain content in slavery, we would still be a people enshackled and disenfranchised. We would be waiting on others for the rest of our lives. 

We are only free physically because many of us are still in bondage in our minds and it is reflective in our philosophies, our dress code, what we teach our children; our values and the societies that we as a race have created. 

Rebel in me should transcend the revel in you. Let us get up and transcend what is happening in our nation and where our people are headed. Let us be Rebels with a purpose. 

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