Tuesday, September 3, 2013

How Marijuana can benefit the Jamaican Economy

I have been following the gleaner articles on the benefits of legalising Ganja in Jamaica as a boost to our economy as the plant that rastafarians use as a sacrament is widely considered to have superlative medicinal properties.

There are people on the ground who claim that Marijuana is legalised then it prices will go down but I think it would boost our farming sector which for the most part is largely only marginally exploited for revenue.

Jamaicans already have a passion for Farming Ganja and may would pool with investors to mass produce it for medical experiments and treatments.

Legalising Ganja will not drive its price down but it will become a viable respectable commodity instead of a contraband. The medicinal properties of the cannabis will make it a superior plant to be agricultured and exported at fair price.

This video illustrates some of the remarkable properties of the Marijuana plant and why Jamaica should legalise Marijuana.

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