"It has become increasingly apparent that the so called war on violence, crime and murder in Jamaica has been lost by civil society and law enforcement authorities.Terrorists,gunmen,goons, savages,sociopaths,criminals et al, unleash bloody butchery and savagery on the society daily with total impunity,as the death toll, or, murder rate increases beyond comprehension with a correlated level of excessive anxiety on the part of most Jamaicans.Indeed, the Rubicon has been passed,terrorists and gunmen reign supremely.And,yes,anyone,anytime, anywhere, anyplace can be viciously and savagely cut down or metamorphosed into a duppy while an impotent State and a decayed and exhausted Opposition discuss and politicize the merits of another vacuous crime plan which most likely will not become operational while people are being butchered including women and children.The empirical reality of the lost war on crime, murder and violence on the part of civil society and the law enforcement authorities, is aptly demonstrated and evidenced in the arithmetic of death for the month of May, which saw 181 of our brothers and sisters butchered and slaughtered in the tsunami of death which now engulfs Jamaica akin to a killing field.Hopefully, my perspective is totally wrong and the respective authorities will be able to put some manageable limits on this monster called crime, violence and murder."

Politicians are suppose to alleviate the crime situation by passing laws and producing an environment that will not breed criminals by augmenting the economic climate and encouraging avenues for job creation. If these soci-economical mechanism are not put in place then We leave a breeding ground for crime and lawlessness.
I understand full that in order for crime to be eradicated that a communal effort has to be made by members of the community and criminal relatives to snuff out the ones that committ these heinous crimes whom they protect.

The question on everyone's lip is whether or not crime can be mitigated in Jamaica. I am afraid to even write these articles as i am trepidated top write articles that criticizes the government and criminals because everybody knows no one is above dying in Jamaica or disappearing. My family often cautions me about what i write online. It breaks my heart to see how fearful people are in this country. We are afraid of the gun man, the police and the politician because no one can be trusted.
I am afraid much of dying and leaving my daughter in this senseless world of psychopathic killers who murder small children with no remorse and are quick to defend their love ones. What twisted sense of justice. Their minds are apparently warped to believe that they can continue hurting others without reprisals from the creator of life.

Read more: http://socyberty.com/crime/the-crime-situation-in-jamaica-and-politicians/#ixzz2RnveTKXf