Do not think i am not the type who hasn't bought those self help dating books, Yep i have been there. The last one i bought was "ACT LIKE A LADY, THINK LIKE A MAN". Steve did make some crucial points but we must be careful who we categorize people because everyone is not cut from the same mold.
There's this popular belief that attractive men, alpha males do not date fat women. I have been overweight all my life and i have met anything but.... Just today a friend referred me to a page to check out a young entrepreneur. When i saw who his significant other was, i mean this man not only has money, he is handsome and has a damn great personality to go with it. He could get any girl he wanted if he put his mind to it but he is in love with this lady that most of our so call hot men would not even look at.... Its not the first time i am seeing this type of relationship.
What is the lesson here? Work what you have! Someone might like it.
My intention is never to mislead women into harmful situations but to impress upon them the necessary skills to deal with men and be spared some UNNECESSARY heartache. i am not by any means perfect, far cry from it. You will never know everything about men and they will never cease to amaze you. Do not do anything with a man if you don't feel comfortable, follow your instincts, never lower your standards , you should never be the only one to compromise in a relationship...What ever i write here or in my books is not set in stone. Take what's yours and leave the rest. Do not email me about what you liked or didn't like! This blog is meant to en-light you and my book is collated to empower you.
Most men a hypocrite at best. You'd be surprise how quick men are to discredit a certain kind of women and will at opportunity jump into bed with them with the same alacrity...So do not always believe your man when he is quick to denigrate other females. He might not mean it and just trying to reassure you therefore engendering security. Same rule foes for men who cheat on their wives then use derogatory words about their mistresses to their wives when they get caught. If she was that bad and unfavorable, why did you sleep with her in the first place? AND DID IT FOR SO LONG?
Don't believe that what you have in your head is exactly what you will get in a man... He wont have every single fine detail of what u desire. And we know that we women have every detail penciled out.
Those that they come with different than we expect can be thought of as flaws or burdens; the choice is yours.
But just remember, we too have things other than they expect...Not saying u should settle for less than you deserve but some things can be worked with or around.
Patrice Townsend says
Beware of those men who are loose cannons.
Those are the most dangerous...
They are the ones who have little self control, they fail to think logically... They are a disaster waiting to happen and you cant even help them because they are so entrenched in their twisted morals and beliefs; trying to help them is like telling a dead man to wake up....
These men lack one of the most critical elements in a relationship - LOYALTY!
They arent even loyal to their own selves so dont expect them to be loyal to you. They latch on to any stronger force that comes along so they are never tied to anyone person. As soon as a stronger wind comes, they detach from one and latch to that.
They are loose cannons
You think they are for you but very few are those who are really for anyone but themselves these days.
They are for what you are for and as soon as they see some else who can fulfill their desires; or as soon as they think you have done enough... They will leave you.
They are not for you, they are for what you are for...
So dont be surprised when he tells you hes not inlove with you anymore because he loves her now... Soon he will leave her too cause he loves someone else...
Expect the unexpected.
Do not ever ever ever put any man on a pedestal.
Keep your expectations at ground zero.
They will fail you faster than they make you better...
Patrice Townsend
So, some friends and I were having a conversation about Jamaican men.
Note that the women are by no means bitter, they arent single and they arent lacking... Well none of them are married to or dating Jamaican men...
The general consensus was that Jamaican men are a failure...
After sieving through the sand, there really enough good Jamaican men.
They fail you, their actions r despicable, attitude is nonchalant...
That very same time i remember a convo i had with a Notary White Male about a particular young man... And he was like: Pat, im not surprised. I dont want it to seem as if im bashing your country men but they just do not have any sense of gratefulness, partnership, respect, loyalty or anything that has to do with a positive man-to-woman relationship.
Yes we have sloppy white guys, sloppy indians, sloppy exists in every race and nationality but i think black men and Jamaican men (narrowed down) are still scarred by the plantation experience which those alive now have never had..
Profound words from Patrice Townsend