Sunday, January 25, 2015

Excerpt my new novel... Bunna Man

I came first in my class today ... Funny how me can always get anything I put my mind to except getting my men to commit to me. There is always some issue. But I figured it out today while doc gave me an injection to stop the bleeding. I don't require much of men. I settle for nothing and men in turn give me nothing. It's a pattern I've noticed among the men who managed to get close to me. There I was thinking something was wrong with them. It seem something is wrong with me. 

I am what I attract. In my dutty foot slippers and brazen natural looks, I am like an old rusty Benz, a guy gonna say "move the donkey cubby" cause even though my parts maybe expensive I still don't look the part. He will still think his 1999 corolla E110 on chromes rims looks better than my old Benz. 

But even when my body is hollow from the emotional trauma wreaking havoc on my sensibilities, I am still worthy of love. And I will find true love for the prettiest rhinestone will never worth more than the dirtiest diamond in the deepest core of the earth's mantle. 

Crystal Evans 
Copyright © 2015 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Woman Scorned... Women cheating on their men...

I have been holding in a lot of things wanting to say them but refuse to because it's irrelevant. I don't want to jeopardize what we have but I am sensing we have nothing and hence I am trying to save something that does not even exist. Loving you is like trying to catch water using a basket...

You see my life is complicated and because it is complicated I realize that I am nothing but a placeholder to you. I can't make any demands on you because I have my man... Yes you wield this knowledge above my head, it is the central notion that keeps me from demanding a commitment from you. I cannot ask you to be my man because i already have One. I must be a special kind of stupid, putting everything on the line, inconveniencing my life and risking stability, knowing you might never ever really trust me. I am after all a woman who cheats on her man.

And as such you have little respect or sense of loyalty to me. The Indecorous way in which you have treated me these recent days is nothing short of an outright disregard for my feelings. I am tired of it. I don't need this shit. You say your world does not revolve around me but everything in this non-relationship revolves around you. I am constantly at the mercy,beck and call of your mood, desires and inclination. I obviously don't have a say here. You have used my loveless relationship against me and i have used you as an escape from the doldrums of my personal life.

I have been hanging on by a thread. I am letting it go now. May the chips fall where they may. But maybe am silly, I mean i am ready to leave the man i am certain about for the uncertainty and novelty of our non-relationship.

I keep getting pushed back two places for other women, real, old, new or imagined. All because i already have a man. Its not that i do not want to leave him but i need to be sure that you at least want me. I have a penchant for fooling myself into thinking I can ever have something with someone like you and every time I end up disappointed. I need to grow up. I cannot have my cake and eat it too. But i cannot leave my man for a nigga , who am not sure even wants me. Deuces!!!

Chapter : The Cheating woman and her other man
Woman Scorned
Copyright © 2015
Crystal A.Evans

Monday, January 5, 2015

Breaks Ups-Letters to an ex -Woman Scorned Book

He said..."it was all good"
And my blood boiled to a steamy broth.
I spat back...
"If you say's not but I guess it is in your world. I was nothing but a conquest to you. Not trying to make you feel guilty for being yourself. Am not even surprise that you would want " us to be friends" so quickly. I am just hurt that you spend all that time convincing me of what you could not hide. Of what I already knew or my instincts told me. You cannot hide your true intentions, it leaked out with that first phone call you took around me. You tried but it never worth trying hard now. I hope that ideal woman is really what you want... I hope she is an ideal and not just perfect in your eyes.

I don't consider myself lesser or greater than any other woman but what I may lack in looks, I make up for with my smarts and my ambition and for that I think I am a very good catch. Most men know and for the less tuned, my rareness eludes them... It's weird how you never once denied anything i accused you of. I wish the girl you fighting for, don't give up on you, the way you gave up on me.
You see all along I was thinking I was the fool but no they are for after you done talk to them on the phone you come fuck me. You don't hide your true self from me but you pretend with them. There I was thinking I was worst off being the other woman, girlfriend number three, the girl without any label and the one you are never accountable to...but now i realized...(such an epiphany) that you did me a favour by never pretending to be anyone but yourself. I am liberated by your openness and honesty... Those bitches are shackled to the man i met a few months ago. I know the real you and for that they don't have nothing over me. Neither do you.
Have a good evening.

Woman Scorned
Letters to an EX (CHAPTER)
Woman Scorned