Thursday, October 25, 2012

Buying Cheap Real Estate in Jamaica Today

Jamaican Realtor who can point you in the right direction. A Jamaican Realtor might say to Jamaica real estate seller that he might take a lease-purchase option if his property is proving too difficult to sell. This means that a 12-60 Month lease can be agreed upon where you pay only a monthly amount and at the end of the lease the property will be sold for JMD$1.00.
Some people have qualms about buying underdeveloped properties, that is purchasing property in an area that has minimal or no residency. Underdeveloped Schemes are residential areas that government or private sector individuals marked for development. They are ideal for investment purposes for person who wish to buy these properties for peanuts then flip and sell them for a profit when the area is developed. Take for instance my friend Patrick Fletcher of Negril Estate bought a mountainside area on the outskirts of Negril Town over 24 acres and developed it into Negril Estate and exclusive gated community. Shalleel Hill discovered MAY FIELD falls when it was only a river and bought 6 acres of land for a mere 500,000JMD. today i well developed tourism attraction. What about others who bought lands for 30,000 Jamaican dollars in the year 2000 and their neighbors are paying millions for those properties today. Buy a underdeveloped property where there are no asphalt road, utilities or amenities for PEANUTS NOW and watch your area become developed. Buy a grand acreage for mere dimes and developed it into your own housing scheme and accrue millions from subdivision and lottings. You got to be smart about Real Estate in Jamaica. sixteen acres land holdings is being sold for 4 million JAMAICAN dollars in HanoverA twenty four acres holding that runs through a river and a falls being sold for one million Jamaican. It is ideal for tourism and entertainment development. Jamaica is a great place for Real Estate investment especially buying foreclosure homes. As is outlined on Jamaica Real EsTATE SITE "Regardless of the type of Jamaica real estate investment, the best way to invest is with no money down. This way you use what are called cheap funds to purchase property while the interest rate you pay on the loan is eroded away because of inflationary pressures. The problem in Jamaica is locating no money down Jamaican property deals. These can be very difficult to locate however you can issue these requests to Jamaican reactors who can point you in the right direction. A Jamaican Realtor might say to Jamaica real estate seller that he might take a lease-purchase option if his property is proving too difficult to sell. This means that a 12-60 Month lease can be agreed upon where you pay only a monthly amount and at the end of the lease the property will be sold for JMD$1.00. This is an excellent method to snap up hard to sell Jamaica real estate.
The first thing you should be aware of is looking for deals. Worldwide Realtor will always recommend the use of a Jamaica realtor if buying or selling property. However if you would like to purchase a no money down Jamaica real estate properties, you need to locate Jamaica real estate that is being sold well below the estimated market value."Imagine picking up several properties for pennies on the dollar. The houses maybe obsolete but the value of land never decreases. And you can save some of that money that you would have invested in buying the property into building your actual dream home. You can purchase with equity and assume loan by buying a property that is being sold below 20% OF ITS Market Value. Purchase the property by accessing a 95% financing loan and another closing cost Mortgage. you can also use loan assumptions.Most Real Estate AGENTS do not give you this information. They would rather bilk you as much as they can from sales. It is quite easy to buy cheap property in Jamaica. call Crystal for your real estate , land buying needs or home building you will get the best rates 8767789755

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fat American WOMEN marrying JAMAICAN men

Recently i met this lady who was complaining about why her Jamaican man treasted her like shit! HER MAN TOLD HER IN NO NEVER TO SPEAK TO HIM AT HOME AND SHE WAS LIVING AN EGGSHELL RELATIONSHIP, ONLY THE RING TOLD EVERYONE THEY WERE MARRIED. when i spoke with her husband during my phone counselling session, he admitted that he never loved his wife and only married her as an opportunity to come to America and better his life. He said that his wife sent him over foiur thousand US DOLLARS to woo him, marry him and get his immigration papers. HE ADAMANTLY inferred that he was making his wife's life miserable because she refuses to give him money and have him locked up in her house. HW REFUSES to be "PROGRAMMED" by any woman because his Jamaican WOMAN would never seek to restrict his freedom or tell him what to do. HE CLAIMS that he would rather go home than stay with his wife in AMERICA. some women might read the title and cringed but this is not a weight discrimination article but the weight isuue is definitely apart of the problem. ive met many overweight women whose self esteem are very low and who think that the only way to get a man is to buy him. These same women would spend thousands of dollars on spoiled, unambitious, disrespectful and abusive men than a hundred dollars on one of my counselling sessions. YES WE ALL NEED LOVE AND HAPPINESS but i say this without apologies, if you are going to use your money to get a man reest assure that the only thing he will ever be interested in is your money. YOU CANNOT "MIND" a man when he is in Jamaica and expect hes not going to anticipate the same treatment in America. YOU SPOILED HIM IN THE BEGINING! SOME OF YOU WOMEN ARE CONCIOUSLY AWARE OF WHAT IT IS YOU ARE DOING THEN YOU EMAIL ME AND TELL ME THIS MAN DOES NOT RESPECT YOU> NEWSFLASH! HE DOESNT AND HE PROBABLY NEVER WILL EXCEPT IN 90% OF THE TIMES WHEN I INTERVENE. You must make your man know what it is that you want from the get go! leT him know that you will deport his ass back to JA IF HES MESSES UP. DO NOT THINK FOR A MINUTE HE WILL CHANGE, HE WIL ONLY GET WORSE UNTIL HE LEAVES AND SHACKS UP WITH SOME OTHER FRIEND AND YOU NEVER SEE OR HEAR FROM HIM AGAIN. DONT THINK FOR A MINUTE THAT GIVING HIM MORE MONEY WILL MAKE HIM STICK AROUND, THE MORE DIMES YOU SHELL OUT, THE DEEPER HIS DISRESPECT, CONTEMPT AND DISREGARD FOR YOU GETS. IT IS A COMMON BELIEF HERE THAT AMERICAN FAT WOMEN HAVE LOW SELF ESTEEM, MONEY AND ARE IN DESPERATE NEED FOR A MAN. Many men enter relationships on this premise. This notion needs to be corrected! ITS THE ROOT OF YOUR PROBLEMS. I CAN HELP YOU WITH THAT! INBOX ME YOUR DETAILS. BE PREPARED TO BE WOWED!